torstai 26. toukokuuta 2011


Runestones allow you to customize skills by changing the way they look, sound, and how they function.

There are five runestone types: Crimson, Indigo, Obsidian, Golden, and Alabaster. Each runestone affects skills differently. For example, adding a Crimson Runestone to a skill may enhance its damage, while adding an Alabaster Runestone might add a stun effect.

See the full runestone systems preview at

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Class

The Demon Hunter is the fifth class to be revealed.

They can cast shadow magic, launch explosives, place traps
and dual-wield crossbows.


Demon Hunter seems to be combination of both Assasin and
Amazon classes of Diablo 2.

Diablo 3 Monk Class

The Monk is third class revealed in Diablo 3.

Monks are religious, spiritual warriors on the side of Good raised to
be pure reflections of their deities through their fighting techniques.


Many of the Monk's offensive skills are unique. They each have three separate attacks that are triggered in stages. As a result, the Monk can combo the stages of different skills into unique chains of martial arts abilities. Monk's skills focus on ancestral knowledge and holy energy.

Diablo 3 Wizard Class

The Wizard was third Diablo 3 class revealed.

The Wizard is very similar to Sorceress class in D2.
In fact, it is very similar to one of the earliest
classes in Diablo, the sorcerer.


Wizard's skill are very similar to Diablo 2
Sorceress skills.

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Class

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Class

Witch Doctor is one of the five upcoming Diablo 3 classes.
The Witch Doctor uses several elements from previous Diablo 2
character classes, from druid, necromancer and sorceress.
The Witch Doctor seems to be loosely based on the real Voodoo practitioner.


Witch Doctor has 3 skill tree's, Zombie, Spirit and Voodoo.
Only few skills have been confirmed.

Diablo 3 Barbarian Class

Diablo 3 Barbarian Class

Diablo 3 barbarian is the first confirmed class to be in Diablo 3.
Barbarian class in Diablo 3 seems to be similar to the previous Diablo 2 barbarian.
Blizzard has confirmed that the male barbarian is same barbarian featured in D2.
Unlike in Diablo 2, players are able to choose female barbarian, which is muscular woman with
orange hair.
Each item eguipped affects the character look.


Diablo 3 barbarian's skills are very similar to Diablo 2 barbarian skills.
Like in D2, D3 barbarian's has 3 skill tree's. Barbarian now uses Stamina
and Fury (the Barbarian equivalent of Mana) for their skills.